Other merits

 Committees / Work Groups

Laji.fi Phytoplankton work group
I participated in a working group with a goal to place Finland’s phytoplankton species on national Laji.fi web sites (http://laji.fi/).

The committee for updating the calculation methods of phytoplankton​
I participated in the committee’s activities after the autumn meeting of 2010 until mid-March 2011.

Courses for others

Training course on zooplankton identification
International zooplankton identification course in the Turku university Archipelago Research Institute’s field station in the island of Seili 4.-8.9.2017.

Identification of blue-green algae
A Course for Saimaan Vesi ja Ympäristö Oy 9.-10.6. 2016.

Identification of blue-green algae
A Course for The Water Protection Association of the River Kokemäenjoki (KVVY) 12.5.2016.

Identification of blue-green algae
A course for Falkö ry, Falkö rf organization 9.4.2016.

Lectures / presentations

The tiny spiny Cosmarium
Presentation during the Finnish Phytoplankton Spring Seminar in 23.-24.05.2016 SYKE, Helsinki regarding the strange Cosmarium found in samples.

Identification of blue-green algae
A Lecture for Falkö ry, Falkö rf organization 9.4.2016.

On images of Euglenoids with comments of Bizana Zakryś
Presentation of euglenoids observed in Finland, based on photographs, commented by the Polish euglenid algae expert Bożena Zakryś. Finnish Phytoplankton Association Autumn Meeting in 8.12.2015.

Swimming in blue-green algae waters
Lecture in community college of Salo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUO-CSi_td8) 10.9.2014

Some of the blue-green algae
Presentation on identification of some of the blue-green algae species missing from SYKE register during the Finnish Phytoplankton Association Autumn Meeting in 18-19.19.2010

The Problematic Pediastrum​
Presentation on identification of the Pediastrum privum during the Finnish Phytoplankton Association Autumn Meeting in 13.11.2008

Under the surface of the Archipelago Sea​
A lecture of the Pro Saaristomeri project’s course of lectures.


Alger i Skärgårdshavet​
Article in the book Åboland i sikte, Bergström, Anne — Sjöström, Anne (red.).” Upptäck museer i Åboland”, 1999.

Blågrönalger i bild och text​
Article in the magazine Tidskriften Skärgård 21,2: 38-39, 1998.Skärgårdsinstitutet vid Åbo Akademi.

Other publications

Identification of the copepod​
One-day course, Koeman en Bijkerk bv (NL), 1997
Planning and implementing a course for Dutch biomonitors together with a colleague + preparing a handbook (52 pages) for this course.

Sharing my knowledge of the plankton on the field

Blue-green algae clinic
Somerniemi 8/2019
Somerniemi 8/2018
Somerniemi 8/2017
Somerniemi 8/2016
Pertteli 9/2014
Salo 8/2014
Perniö 8/2014
Särkisalo 7/2014
Taalintehdas 7/2014
Kemiö 7 & 8 /2013


The Cladocera day
In Kärra, Kemiönsaari, assigned by Daphnia ry 23.07.2015.

Algae info
In Kemiö, at Lalla Vinde in summer 2013.


The introduction to water fleas with jazz​
An aquatic and microscope related program for children during the Baltic Jazz Festival at Taalintehdas, Kemiönsaari, 9.7.2006.


A Hungarian colleague M.Sc., Ph. D. student Enikö Krasznai worked for 2 months in Zwerver company from August to October in 2010.


British Phycological Society – BPS
International Phycological Society – IPS
International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae – ISSHA
Nordic Phytoplankton and Periphyton Group – NPPG
Suomen Kasviplanktonseura ry, Facebook-sivu
Suomen Limnologinen yhdistys
Systematics Association
World Association of Copepodologists