I just registered for the symposium “Restoration of eutrophic lakes: Current practices and future challenges”. This will be held 4.-6. June 2018 in Lahti, Finland.
Lahti-city lies on the shore of the lake Vesijärvi (= Waterlake, sometimes one doubts on the ability of the Finns to come up with original names for things), one of the most closely studied lakes in Finland. After suffering from heavy eutrofication some 40 years ago it now is very well recovered. A fine place for this symposium indeed. Take a look at the short history of the lake on the video “The story of a lucky Lake“, a video made fot the Finnish Water Forum.
120 persons can participate and there will be a special issue in Hydrobiologia 2019. Registration is going on, early bird prices (350 €) until 28.02.2018, regular prices (400 €) until 30.04.2018.
I will be there – not with a presentation or a poster – but with my plankton counting chambers, showing how they work, selling and taking orders. And listening to interesting presentations. See you there!
You can register and follow the blog on https://lahtilakes2018.fi/